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Project Management

Disassemble your project roadblocks through understanding and communication

Our experience has helped us develop a process of project planning and project management that helps to drive a successful delivery.

Here are our key takeaways that reduce project delivery issues:​

  • Identify stakeholders that you will need to interface with early, and especially those who are required to be involved for endorsements or approvals. Be prepared to meet with them in person, if possible, to help eventually secure buy-in or at a minimum an appreciation of your project objectives.

  • Map the overall project timeline to reveal critical items that could derail your delivery. For each critical item, disassemble and understand everything that is required to clear this blocker; who ultimately controls the gateway and what are their drivers, what type of submission is required and what is their process, when are submissions required to make it easier on the approval authority? Once you understand this, work backwards.

  • Communicate often. Whether it be an external approval authority with no interest in your project's success, or a landowner being directly impacted by the development, the importance of open and frequent transparent communication cannot be underestimated.

​Without a grasp on these items, all of the planning, contract rigour and contractor capability can be undone.

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