Project scoping, development and initiation
Project and program management
Residential, Commercial and Industrial Land Development / Subdivision Engineering
Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)
Stormwater management strategies
Preparation of design briefs
Preparation of contract documents including AS2124, AS4300 and GC21
Structural engineering and design
Civil engineering and design
State and council road engineering and design
Structural inspections and investigations
Asset Management policy, plans, systems and strategies
Asset investment planning
Condition assessments of buildings and infrastructure
Engineering advice
Stormwater drainage design
Irrigation supply design
Contract Administration
Clerk of works and superintendency
Bid development
Preparation of Operations and Maintenance Manuals
We are situated in the Albury-Wodonga, Geelong, Ballarat, Melbourne, Perth and the Philippines regions and can also provide remote advice, support and resources to all of Australia.