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Asset Management

Get meaningful insights into your assets performance to maximise investment effectiveness

A major part of any infrastructure or asset-heavy business is ensuring assets are accounted for transparently and perform as anticipated. We have seen many organisations lack confidence in their asset accounting data, have systems of management that are difficult to work with or find meaningful information from, and management strategies that do not support maximising the benefit of assets.

As many organisation look to develop their asset management capability to align with ISO 55000, Victorian Government's Asset Management Accountability Framework (AMAF) or other best practice initiative, we see asset management groups or project teams roadblocked or have difficulty in understanding an organisation's various needs for a strong asset management system and supporting Asset Information Management System (AIMS) or Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS).

From our experience developing organisational asset management capabilities, we suggest implementing a plan of improvement with the following steps:

  1. Policy - A whole of business commitment and high-level strategic intent to asset management

  2. Framework - Operational requirements and asset performance criteria

  3. Processes - Workflows and quality controls

  4. People - Resources and the accountabilities and authorities to operate asset management

  5. Tools - AIMS/CMMS, hardware and resources required to capture, maintain and report

  6. Review - Methods of obtaining meaningful insights into assets and their effective lives

Organisations do not need to develop a best practice capability overnight. Development of strategic objective, a plan for progression and a commitment to executing can provide organisations with a means of improvement and working towards a best practice that will provide long-term benefit without the large initial cost.

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