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A practical approach to design

The successful delivery of a design solution is a partnership, not a transaction.

A close working relationship with collaboration from all solves problems and removes roadblocks more rapidly, delivering better outcomes that flow through to success in construction.

Here are some of the methods we employ to develop design solutions:​

  • Site visits are an invaluable way of obtaining a common understanding of the conditions and issues that the project may face. It may also reveal the latent condition that could affect your project's delivery.

  • Sketches are a valuable tool to cultivate discussion or resolve a detail right there and then during a meeting. Whilst a formal drawing submission has its place, it is surprising the level of detail that can be conveyed in a sketch, especially if that is all that is required to keep your project moving.

  • Constructibility is a key aspect of our design process. Whether that is the early involvement of your preferred builder, engineer or the use of our contacts and experience to determine the best method of constructing a particular detail. Construction experience and input early in the design process help to avoid costly decisions being made on site.

  • Small teams that meet and communicate regularly are an efficient delivery structure, so when presented with an unforeseen challenge, it is much quicker and easier to react and adjust.

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